So, I have spent a few years coveting all the beautiful canvas pictures everyone has on their walls. Wishing I had the money and the picture to forever want on canvas. Then one day earlier this year, I came across a picture system that was the answer to my problems - cheaper, big as I want, and because of the price I don't feel too bad about replacing it every now and then. It is IXXI.
For Christmas we ordered the picture I wanted. In fact it might be one row too wide and one row too long. My kids are now larger than life on my wall. I smile every time I see it and can't wait to have a house again were it will fit even better.
Putting it together and hanging it was so easy. No nails or screws in the walls. Each piece is printed on plastic, so it is durable.
There is an even cheaper option. There are software options that will cut your image into smaller pieces that you can then print out on your home printer for a similar look.