Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Officially 3

She is officially 3 Years Old!!

Are these pictures looking familiar.  Well the bike we gave her for her Un-Birthday broke, so we replaced it.

 She was driving around with sugared cranberries in her mouth and I told her she had to chew them up.

 The newest member of her fan club - Lindsay.  She came to help us celebrate and baked the yummy Oreo Cake.

We celebrated with fried chicken, mashed potatoes, green beans, pineapple, and salad with olives. 

You love all things pink and princess.  You like to slash bad guys, cast wizarding spells (Harry Potter).  You like to jump on the trampoline with your brothers.  Help Mom or Dad cook.  You love to help - your brothers can't fold clothes as good as you can.  You love everything and everyone.  You love to tell us Thank You and give big hugs.  You are such good help with Tennyson.  You amaze me all the time, I wish you could stay 2 or 3 forever, but am excited to watch you grow.  We Love You.


Katie said...

Happy Birthday Charlotte!!

Jen said...

Happy {belated} Birthday, Charlotte! It looks like you had a wonderful time. As always you are as cute as a button.