Thursday, February 17, 2011

Friday Night Football

Grahm was lucky enough to have one evening game on a Friday.  Like most of their games the weather was awful.  I know it is not "cold", but I have adjusted - and it is too cold for a baby.  Talking about Tennyson, not me.  Then you throw in some rain and it is miserable to be sitting on the metal benches that stay cold and keep a river of water running into you. 

But, it was the most fun I had watching a game.  Grahm was on fire.  He scored a couple touchdowns and grabbed some flags. 

The dedicated Cheerleaders 

My Valentine gave me these, so I am hoping for rain tomorrow morning (I have 2 games to cheer at).


Mike said...

Tell Jason I like his new boots.

Jen said...

Love the boots and love that little blanket you've got Tennyson wrapped in.