The Friend Party - A Harvest Party
We invited a few of Grahms friends from church and younger siblings of kids on Jayce's soccer team. All week I stressed about rain, the night before I couldn't set up because of the rain. That morning I nervously watched the rain clouds hanging over us, I crossed my fingers. The rain held out for us, we had one little sprinkle that I started to worry about.

As the guests arrived we played the old game of a cotton ball on a spoon. I have learned from previous parties that it is very hard to get children that you are not around that often, boys, and young to listen and actually play games. They are too easily distracted. So I had them line up, handed them their spoons and cotton balls and told them to run to the fence. They ran back and forth (I had to give them new cotton balls, because when they fell on the wet grass they would stick to the spoon - Cheating!!!).
After everyone was there we decided to bob for apples. I used warm water because we had a chilly fall day. Grahm went first and grabbed the apple by the stem (oops - I forgot). Charlotte appreciated the stems!!! After that I realized I needed to have a brave boy show them how it is done, so Jayce stepped up and stuck his head all the way in to get his apple. The other boys ended up a little wetter. Grahm was determined to get wet and do it right, except he does not like to get his ears wet (or his face). So he kept dipping his face in for a few tries, he was so determined!!

Next, we painted mini pumpkin gords. I used washable crayola paint. I squirted different colors into the bowls and gave them their paint brushes. I was invisioning pumpkin faces. They decided mixing the colors and painting them solid black was better - Boys!!

Then, we bobbed for Doughnuts. This is my boys favorite thing to do. You get to eat doughnuts, get messy and be silly. This time they actually stuck to no hands for awhile. I helped the little ones by holding the string still close to their doughnut, so they could get one bite before they used their hands. These are my favorite pictures.

Finally, we played pin the face on the Pumpkin. I had them draw their own faces on paper. I cut it out - blindfolded them, spin, spin, spin and handed them the pieces for them to assemble the face. They got a kick out of it.

Then we opened presents. Drank more hot cider, ate candy corn, and enjoyed Cake Pops. It was almost time for parents to come, so I had them play another old game to keep them busy. You stand on a chair - in this case a hay bale. Hold a clothes pin to your nose and try to drop it into a container. I had to get smaller mouthed containers after a minute - they were hitting it every time.

I sent everyone home with a popcorn ball, apple pie caramale apple, stickers, and their painted gord all tied up in a bandana.
This was such an easy laid back party, fun games, yummy food, and happy five year olds!!!