This is the kids waiting at the top of the stairs before we let them head down to see if Santa has visited. Grahm is not in to talking for the camera!
We put a clock in the boys bedroom and told them they could not wake us up before 7am. Then I jump in the shower and get my makeup on and fix my hair. It sounds soooo mean, but it lets me relish in their anticipation a little longer.
First we look at our stockings and of course any presents that Santa didn't wrap.
This Rody Horse of Charlottes got her attention quick, after a Starburst!

Santa also brought her a doll. It is Sweetie Pie an Effanbee doll (I got mine when I was two for Christmas - hers says it is 1969 - Santa hunted it down - he likes the old crier's best!!) Jason and I (and my Mom) gave her my doll cradle. Jason had to fix the rockers - it has rocked lots of kids, and we stripped it and repainted it. My Grandpa Jones built it for my Mom for Christmas! I hope she loves it as much as all the little girls in the past have! [Since I wanted to see her reaction and not through a view finder I don't have pictures -yet]. She sleeps with this doll, feeds it, rocks, and carts it around. A girl and her doll!
I also made her a little purse, fake lipstick, and powder. Another Fancy Nancy book!

Jayce asked Santa for: GI Joe - R.H.I.N.O. Vehicle, Comic Book, Ben 10 Toy, WII Game, Iron Man Figure, and Trouble. Between Santa, Mom and Dad, and Grandparents he got everything he wished for and a few extras.

Grahm asked Santa for: Ben 10 Watch, Ben 10 Toys, GI Joe Duke figure, Hippity Hop, and Christmas Shoes. Between everyone his hearts desires were met!!
When I was a kid my Mom painted Calvin and Hobbes T-shirts for all of us one or two years. This summer I decided to introduce my family to Calvin and Hobbes and create T-shirts for them for Christmas! (Jayce was introduced to Calvin and Hobbes as soon as school started this fall, he has been faithfully reading ever since).

Jason and I got everything we wanted. This was a great Christmas! Christmas Day was simple and sweet.