Can you believe that Jason only has two hands and can only operate one piece of electronic equipment at a time. This year he chose to use the camcorder, so I have no photos of Christmas morning.
Christmas Eve was nice and quiet (except Charlotte was still not feeling well and that did not change on Christmas Day), we delivered a few goodies and then came home to our traditional Soup meal. We had Zuppa Tuscanna (Yummy!). After dinner we enjoyed the scripture story of the birth of our Savior, we snuggled, we brushed, and we tucked. Then for the first time all December, I curled up on the couch in front of the tree (Jason made me his secret recipe Mint Hot Chocolate) and was still. I love Christmas trees and the lights, I would sleep under it if the hardwood was softer.
Christmas morning I as usual tried to postpone and drag it out a little longer. I get completely ready, Jason thinks I am being mean. I think it helps slow us down and I get to enjoy the kids excitement and its peak for more than a few seconds as they run down the stairs. As I am applying my mascara I hear them giggling, their excited voices discussing what they think they will find - I love it.
Santa once again blessed our home with a visit. He brought play foam (kind of like play dough, less messy and never dries out), matchbox cars, a doll, WII and a game, shoes, jeans, a Damascus steel knife, peace and love (even if I can't verify that it existed outside our house that day!!). Jason and I gave the kids a bounce house that fits in the playroom (get rid of all that winter energy) and a creepy crawler maker. The Geary's gave us clothes (thank you so much), the Millers gave us pillows and a wheat grinder (my mom also made me a super cute apron) and church clothes for the kids (my mom made Charlotte the cutest dress ever - the movie Little Princess was her inspiration). I am going to have her picture taken in it soon. We also were given a handmade salt and pepper mill, a board game, earrings, jokes, squirmles and so much more - everyone really spoiled us. We enjoyed our day and tried to soak it a
ll in. Here are a few pics.