Friday, October 31, 2008

A Week of Halloween, Day 7

Day 7 - Fri. October 31 - HALLOWEEN!!

We finished off our week of Halloween by inviting some friends over for Dinner and a Movie. For dinner we enjoyed (if you have a weak stomach you might want to skip the menu!!):
Crunchy Worms topped with Boiled Maggots and smothered in Troll Snot with a side of Stinging Nettle and Curdled Bat Blood. Miscellaneous toppings to enjoy were Basilisk Venom, Chicken Gizzard, Cow Heart, Dragon Scales, Blackened Bat Eyes, Dandruff, Goblin Boogers, and Cobwebs. It was very delicious and I think everyone was stuffed at the end. Before we enjoyed dessert the boys tired the crickettes and larvets - yes REAL ONES!!! We washed it all down with Pumpkin Cookies, Witches Brew and Ghost Vomit.

The boys all helped to make the Witches Brew (sorry, I couldn't make the brew and snap pictures at the same time). We learned some interesting facts: 1) ghosts will escape not matter how hard you try to keep them in, and 2) Dehydrated Northern Dragon Spit when added to Ghost Vomit will explode out of the bowl - I guess fire and ice don't mix!!!!

We then rolled ourselves in front of the TV to watch a Halloween classic - Ichabod Crane or the Legend of Sleepy Hollow by Disney. It was lots of fun and I think we have created a new tradition.

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