Friday, October 31, 2008
A Week of Halloween, Day 7
We finished off our week of Halloween by inviting some friends over for Dinner and a Movie. For dinner we enjoyed (if you have a weak stomach you might want to skip the menu!!):
Crunchy Worms topped with Boiled Maggots and smothered in Troll Snot with a side of Stinging Nettle and Curdled Bat Blood. Miscellaneous toppings to enjoy were Basilisk Venom, Chicken Gizzard, Cow Heart, Dragon Scales, Blackened Bat Eyes, Dandruff, Goblin Boogers, and Cobwebs. It was very delicious and I think everyone was stuffed at the end. Before we enjoyed dessert the boys tired the crickettes and larvets - yes REAL ONES!!! We washed it all down with Pumpkin Cookies, Witches Brew and Ghost Vomit.
The boys all helped to make the Witches Brew (sorry, I couldn't make the brew and snap pictures at the same time). We learned some interesting facts: 1) ghosts will escape not matter how hard you try to keep them in, and 2) Dehydrated Northern Dragon Spit when added to Ghost Vomit will explode out of the bowl - I guess fire and ice don't mix!!!!
We then rolled ourselves in front of the TV to watch a Halloween classic - Ichabod Crane or the Legend of Sleepy Hollow by Disney. It was lots of fun and I think we have created a new tradition.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
A Week of Halloween, Day 5

Monday, October 27, 2008
A Week of Halloween!! Day 3
Day 2 - Mon. October 27 - The Package Arrives
My Mom has been enjoying having grandsons and their love for all things creepy and she satisfies their creepy craving with a much anticipated Halloween package every year. This year was so cool. The box contained a "modern" cauldron, a recipe, and miscellaneous ingredients for concocting Witches Brew.
Some background information on this one. I come from a family of all girls (6) and my mother comes from a family of all girls (well 6 girls and the baby is a boy - and we think he is the greatest), her older sister had all girls (7), and the trend has in general continued with girls out numbering the boys even to the third generation. So as you can imagine all girls = a coven of witches. I am positive that had we lived during the days of the witch hunts our family would have been burned at the stake, how else could you get all (mostly) girls for three generations. We also have are very own family spell book, honest!! So I am sure the recipe has been handed down for generations.
Witches Brew (from the Kitchen of the Wicked Witch of the West)
1 vile LeRoy Browns Blood
1 package Freeze Dried Ghost
2.5 gallons H2O
2.5 lbs. Dry Fog
Stir Ghost into H2O until invisible. Add vile of LeRoy Browns Blood for flavor. Add Dry Fog till fizzy. Lightly cover so Ghost do not escape. When concoction is ready add a little pinch of this or that from additional viles to make your own magic.
What is in the other viles you ask: Ogre Pee, Fairy Dust, Spider Eyes, Spider Hearts, Ground Witches Bones, Crushed Skulls, Diced Newt Tail, Moth Cocoons, Dehydrated Northen Dragon Spit, Mice Poop, and Goblin Fingernails. Just the usual ingredients laying about a witches kitchen.
She also sent Sour Cream and Onion Crickettes and Cheddar Cheese Larvets (Oh, Yes the are Real!!!!) No witch has yet to been seen eating one, however the Male slaves have all tried them. The crickettes supposedly taste like a potato chip, the larvets on the other hand have a gross after taste and it is like having the popcorn kernel shells stuck in your teeth. Who tried them? Jason, Jayce (spit out the larvet), Grahm (didn't try the crickette), Jack Thorpe (said Yum after eating the larvet, didn't try the crickette - yet), and Greg Godfrey. Way to go boys - Fear Factor Here We Come!!! She topped off the package with a new CD with even more fun Halloween songs - the CD included titles like Thriller, LeRoy Brown, Big Jim Walker, Little Red Riding Hood, Monster Mash, Ghostbuster, Purple People Eater, etc... (I am sure I wrote down a title wrong - sorry).
Saturday, October 25, 2008
A Week Of Halloween!! Day 1
I know I should not complain about Halloween, especially since I actually like all of the hoopla. Kids just make it hard, they are "fun suckers". Generally I have to dress them up several times, but this year we didn't do all of it. In a way I feel guilty, but I also think they might have had more fun this year. Halloween did of course last longer than its designated day.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Sometimes Life Stinks!!

- Sometimes Life Stinks!!! This is not me complaining, I just wanted to share an experience.
- Monday as soon as I picked up Jayce from school we headed to JoAnns to pick out fabric for jammies and get some trim for Charlottes coat. We then stopped at ToysRUs to get some fish for Grahm's Halloween costume - it is now past dinner time the kids are tired and I am sure you can imagine that they were not angels in the fabric store. I was supposed to go grocery shopping too - it didn't happen.
I turned around and could barely make out 3 sets of big eyes watching and anxiously waiting for my return. No, I could never leave them. Then I climbed into the car and cried because I needed a break and Jason was not available (I couldn't call him and hear "I Love You" - he doesn't have service in the Sim Lab, I couldn't go and get a hug - the doors are locked at 5pm). After a few moments I drove away, we picked up some Wendy's (it was 7:30 - poor kiddos) and we smiled, laughed and hugged and then they went to bed.
I love them so much, they make each day a little bit of heaven!!!A Grahm!!

The Silent Gift
Grahm's Birthday

On Sunday we had your Birthday dinner. You picked Mashed Potatoes (I had to coax you to pick something to go with them, especially something that made gravy - and then you didn't even eat them), Pork Roast, Spinach (You have been watching lots of Popeye), and a salad. After watching conference we had the Godfrey's over for cake and ice cream.

Daxton gave you some rubber stamps and connect four game.

This year you wanted cupcakes (your favorite and you used to call them Muff Cakes) and skeletons. Your Dad and I figured it out for you. When we sang Happy Birthday I wished we had the movie camera out, I have never seen you so excited about something. It was a quiet excited, you didn't bounce around - I think you were so excited you didn't even know what to do.