Monday, September 22, 2008
Friday, September 19, 2008
Busy Week!

Dearest Jason!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Shoes and Laces!!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008
What Do Children Do?
Charlotte (9months): Mom, I am tired.
Me: Okay, just give me a minute. I am trying to sew you a dress for Aunt Laurie's wedding.
Charlotte: Mom, I am really tired.
Me: Okay, just a few more seconds and I can stop.
Charlotte: Mom, I said I was tired.
Me: Coming.
Charlotte: MOM!!! Tired!! Now!!
Me: Okay (I scoop her up and sit down to feed her)
Grahm and Jayce: We want a snack.
Me: Can you wait a minute. Charlotte is fussing.
Grahm and Jayce: Nooooooo.
Me: Don't you dare throw a fit. Go grab an apple. (boys leave to eat apples)
Charlotte is done eating and we head up stairs to get her in bed. I start to rock her while I stand before I sit her in bed. Boys start yelling down stairs that they need me to wash them. They start yelling louder. Charlotte starts crying. I am getting upset, I just want her to go to sleep the boys to play and to sew the dress. Boys yelling some more. Charlotte squirming and fussing.
Grahm and Jayce: Geesh, what is Mom's problem. She is always so grouchy. Oh, well let's go play Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. (ad libbing here!!)
Me: Charlotte, please go to sleep. Don't you want me to sew your pretty dress? Come on, what is wrong?
Charlotte: Mom, I am so tired. Please just hold me for a second.
Me: No, I need to go and sew. You can just lay down like always and go to sleep.
Charlotte: Just for a minute ,please. You know that if you just hold me for a minute it will be faster than you trying to rush things. (haha, I think she listens to me tell Mr. Geary that all the time. If he would just give me the kiss and hug the way I like it - just a tad longer than a peck - he could get back to work so much faster than when he rushes it. I always grab him and make him do it right and then I make it a little longer just because he rushed it!!!)

- In those moments when Charlotte is fussing and wont lay down with out some extra holding and the boys are hounding at me I have often thought what would I be doing at this moment if I did not have children. I would be getting all those projects done that are piling up, I would be going to work every day - hopefully Geology, buying new clothes, eating out and the list goes on. Then in my moment of angst I cave - I sit down in that rocking chair and I snuggle her close. I watch her sweet face as she studies mine while she slowly drifts off. Then I hold her for a few more moments before I tuck her in and then I go find the boys who have completely given up on me. I sit down on the floor and watch them play (and if I am allowed I might join in). What do Children do? Some times they force us to take those moments because we think we are to busy. They make us pause and I am very grateful because I cherish those moments. It is in those quiet moments that the spirit speaks to my heart and I silently whisper my thanks.
P.S. Charlotte is calling for me now!
Friday, September 12, 2008
On one family adventure we were in Chicago with Grammy and we had been shopping the Magnificent Mile. We decided to go into one of the shopping centers and check things out, well there were stairs, and escalators. I think going up was no big deal, maybe we carried everything or maybe we found the elevator. On the way down Jayce was in the stroller and Grahm was being carried. Grammy turned Jacye and the stroller around and went down the escalator, so Jayce was tilted backwards. Jayce was freaking out and we were telling him how cool and brave he was (I think we do that often). Jayce replied in a shaking voice - "I was not being brave, I was being scared."
Grahm said basically the same thing at Ross Park this summer when he went down the water slide solo. I wonder how often in life as a parent and adult I say the same thing when I am faced with challenges: potty training, pregnancy, emergency room visits, new callings at church, new jobs, moving, etc... When I have made it through the challenge do I look back and think, "I was not being brave, I was being scared"? (I was not being happy, I was being angry, etc...)
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Wranglers - Gotta Love 'em

Friday, September 5, 2008
My Very Own Mr. Darcy

Thursday, September 4, 2008
Love for Nie

There are thousands of people who have fallen in love with Nie and her family and thousands more who will as their story continues to be told. I discovered Nie only recently (Aug 25), another blog I was reading was trying to raise money for them and posted a family picture. I was immediately drawn to learn more about this family. Perhaps the picture captured the love and joy for each other and life or maybe I was being prompted to find them as so many have to answer the need for prayers and help in any way.
As I began to read the NieNieDialogues I cried for the family as I learned more about the tragedy. Nie and Mr. Nielson (her husband) were in a plane crash. Nie has burns on 80% of her body and Mr. Nielson on 30% of his. I cried for her children, for her, for her Mr. Nielson, and her family. I then read her entire blog over the next few days (I read it from recent to oldest), and I fell in love with her. She is definitely one of those people you want as a friend. Her love for life and her family is contagious. She finds joy in every day moments and most importantly she recognizes those moments and shares them. She has invited the world into her home and influenced thousands, she has taken a great opportunity and magnified it. If you dare to enter your life will be touched.
Nie has inspired me in so many ways:
- Be comfortable with me
- Loosen up (its okay for your kids to jump in the pond)
- Eat healthier
- Wear Aprons - she always looks so cute in one (so Mom, remember the cute aprons you started sewing for us, well you better finish it, x-mas is coming:))
- Find the good in each moment
- Cherish my husband
- Encourage your husband and children to follow their dreams
- Follow my dreams
- Never forget that I am daughter of God
- and so much more!!

Martha Stewart is where we turn when we need a craft idea, need a household tip, entertaining rules and ideas, decorating tips and ideas. She is the woman who inspires us to create beauty in our homes and gardens and to share it. What does Martha Stewart have to do with Nie (besides Nie enjoys her as much as the rest of us)? Nie is the Martha Stewart of our souls. She encourages to be better mothers, wives, and Daughters of God. She teaches us to look for our Heavenly Father in the world around us. She encourages us to see beauty in ourselves and the world. She teaches us to be grateful. She wants us to love and she wants us to share.
As Nie faces this new challenge in her life, she will again inspire us and disappoint the cynics everywhere who can't see the good. She will always be Nie and she is beautiful.
We miss you Nie and Mr. Nielson!
I also want to thank her family for the amazing example they are. They inspire us as well, it must run in the family. Thank you C Jane for keeping us updated and for your words of wisdom. I am sure you all know how blessed you are for all that you are doing for Nie and Mr. Nielson. Our prayers are with you as well. Continue to find joy in the moments. We love you, too. Thank you for sharing Nie with us!!
For more inspiration visit CJane
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Erinals,.... anyone?

Monday, September 1, 2008
In the Middle of the Woods!

Jayce I am so proud of you for trying something new!! It was fun, huh?