Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Trying to Remember

You would think that starting school, new routines, new places, new faces, etc... would bind a family closer together.  Help us appreciate each other a little more, rely on one another for companionship, understanding...

Not in this family.  Remember how I told you that I would need this picture to remind me that they do actually love and like each other most days.  Well, I am digging the picture out tonight to help me. 

My two boys are currently sharing a twin bed in order to help them feel closer to each other.  When they can cease trying to kill one another they can return to their previous sleeping arrangements, everyone in their own bed.  You know the lyrics - "love grows best in little houses"  well, I am trying tight sleeping quarters.

I think it is working, they have already joined forces to convince met that this is a completely unacceptable way for them to sleep.  They are too hot, it is too small.  I love to hear team work!!


Katie said...

ha ha! score 1 for Mom!

Chelsea said...

Love it. A friend's mom growing up with "glue" her kids together (they had to have 2 body parts in constant contact, hands, feet, whatever, they just had to be touching) until they could get over their fight. It worked...they learned to work it out quickly! Hopefully you'll have the same results!

Jen said...

Oh, how I can relate. Love the idea of making them share a bed. Unfortunately, I think Mimi would love that idea and never want to stop sharing a bed with her big sister.