Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Still Here!

I have not been able to get pics of all the things I am trying to do or not do during this last week and half before baby girl arrives.  So - hopefully tomorrow I will have more to write.  I just wanted to let everyone know that I am continuing my tradition of not having babies arrive before their due date!


Jen said...

I was wondering if you'd had that baby since we haven't heard from you in a few days. I'm sure you're just dying though now being in that tropical weather and on the last days of your pregnancy. I can so relate with my pregnancy with Annie down in Beaufort, SC in August. Ugh! I hope you are staying cool indoors. Don't try to do too much, woman. That's what your husband is for:)

Katie said...

Thanks so much for the update! I have been checking like every 2 hours for a post to see if perhaps baby girl decided to make her debut early. Take it easy and like Jen said- don't do too much... just put Jason to work:)


Karisa and John said...

ALL RIGHT! Keep us posted Micah! I can't wait to see your new baby. Have fun nesting! If you don't finish everything before Firecracker #4 arrives, you'll get it done later!